S3: Ep. 10: Courtney Stache, LOST Cycle, Coping with the Death of a Parent
This episode is an important and difficult discussion about grief including the impact it can have on our careers. When Courtney was in her early twenties, her mom, Lois, died suddenly. Courtney had to find her way to the other side of this traumatic life event. Grief forces us to…

S3: Episode 9: Claire Revell: Director & Chief Executive Officer, Intellek
“So I bought a book and taught myself how to program.” After deciding a career in Tech was for her, Claire Revell made it happen. She rose to be the Director & CEO of Intellek, an international e.Learning company with its head office in the U. K. Intellek offers Learning…

S3: Ep 8: Jan Frolic: Co-Founder, Captains & Poets (Social and Emotional Learning Programs)
“Find out who you are at your core, keep returning to that, and then go out into the world and live that person.” Jan’s career is nothing short of inspirational. She sussed out what she wanted to do and went after that with absolute determination. Her success included buying businesses…

S3: Episode 7: Abby Acham, Accounting Student & Cannabis/Mental Health Advocate
“Do what you love” Although cliché, it is easier to thrive when you are passionate about what you are doing. It changes how you look at your world. Abby has always loved accounting, and although her journey and career path have not been straightforward, she has found her way back…

S3: Ep 6: Alisya Bengi Danisman, Lawyer, Blenheim Chalcot, Venture Builders, London, UK
“At a later stage, I got out of my comfort zone and made the decision to start over and change my life”. Alisya was born, raised and educated in Turkey where she became a Commercial Lawyer for a large firm in Istanbul. She moved to London to get her Masters…

S3: Ep 5: Courtney Stache, Owner, LOST Cycle, London, Canada
“I knew I needed to work for myself, the entrepreneurial bug really hit me when I lost my mom. I needed something that would be my whole life and light up my entire world. Tragedy in a way pushed me to take the leap” -Courtney Stache, Owner, of Lost Cycle.…

S3: Episode 4: Tim Burgess, Vice-President, Process Innovation, Universal Music, Toronto Canada
“How do we build a bridge from today to where we need to be.” Located in Toronto but leading a team in London, L. A. New York and Nashville, Tim’s group looks at the processes, people and tech needed to support the opportunities that come into the music industry. Tim…

S3: Ep 3: Sam Blackham, Chartered Surveyor, Chartered Construction Manager, Associate Director, Gardiner & Theobald LLP
“It’s point go to handing over the keys at the end.” Sam appoints the team, selects designs, manages the costs, makes sure the numbers add up and helps ensure the site developer is going to make a profit from building a new development. In other words, when it comes to…

S3: Ep 2: Dr. Rob Austin, Professor Ivey Business School & faculty member, Harvard Medical School
“Digital has outgrown the IT Department.” As a Professor at London Ontario’s Ivey School of Business, Rob watches, assesses and teaches trends in technology. His extensive background in both academia and business brings together some fascinating thoughts about the evolution and impact of technology and digital in our world. More…

S3: Episode 1: Jeff Fung, Vice-President, Operations, Forever Homes
“We’ve been able to provide a platform for multiple stakeholders to be successful.” Jeff works in a residential real estate development, family business which has grown, first through his parents’ hard work and Jeff joined the team about ten years ago. More on Ford Keast LLP Human Resources Consulting can…