Career Resilience
Career Resilience
S3: Episode 7: Abby Acham, Accounting Student & Cannabis/Mental Health Advocate

“Do what you love”

Although cliché, it is easier to thrive when you are passionate about what you are doing. It changes how you look at your world. Abby has always loved accounting, and although her journey and career path have not been straightforward, she has found her way back to the accounting discipline.

On this week’s episode of Career Resilience with Jann Danyluk, Abby Acham and Jann discuss Abby’s impressive career path so far. A defining moment in high school set Abby apart when she opted out of the gifted program and was sent to her ancestral home, Antigua. This shift in environment allowed her the opportunity to reflect and grow both personally and in her career.

Abby is also a cannabis and mental health advocate and an integral part of the organization Afro Canada Budsistas. Their mandate is to normalize the cannabis plant for black women. The experiences black people have with cannabis, pre- and post-legalization, is not the same as other ethnicities.

Abby’s path remains challenging, but she continues to prove her resiliency as she adapts to her changing circumstances.

More on Ford Keast LLP Human Resources Consulting can be found here & for all the podcast information, visit our career resilience page.

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