Podcast cover for Career Resilience
Career Resilience with Jann Danyluk
S2: Episode 3: Ed Holder - A Commitment to Community

“We are all the sum of everything we have done.”

True words from Ed Holder, the Mayor of London Ontario. Ed (which he prefers to be called) has had success, failure, loss and wins; he is the epitome of resilience. Focus and purpose have been the driving force behind Ed’s entrepreneurial path and his dedication to serving his community. Ed has achieved many remarkable career milestones from being a member of Stephen Harper’s Conservative cabinet to Minister of State for Science & Technology and currently as the leader of London, the tenth largest city in Canada. Passion for doing the right thing, networking and community service drive this interesting conversation with Ed and Jann.

More on Ford Keast LLP Human Resources Consulting can be found here & for all the podcast information, visit our career resilience page.

Thank you for listening.

If you enjoyed this podcast and need support in your own career resilience, please do get in contact with Jann at HR@fordkeast.com

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Jann Danyluk, Career Resilience.

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