Podcast cover for Career Resilience
Career Resilience with Jann Danyluk
27. Alec Cook - Research Assistant, Student and part of the Transgender community

“I was finally able to live as who I was and be open and be proud of that.”

Alec has packed a lot of living and resilience into his young life. At an early age, he struggled with gender identification. He was born a female biologically but came to realize that he is a male. Alec talks about not having the language, or role models, to assist him in understanding his identity in this world. Aided by a close-knit family, teachers and mentors and his own determination, Alec became the person he was meant to be. Alec is currently a student in the Psychology program at Western University in London Ontario and a Research Assistant at Parkwood Institute. He is also part of the Global MINDS Collective an innovative mental health organization started in London Ontario.

More on Ford Keast LLP Human Resources can be found here & for all the podcast information, visit our career resilience page.

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If you enjoyed this podcast and need support in your own career resilience, please do get in contact with Jann at HR@fordkeast.com

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Jann Danyluk, Career Resilience.

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