Career Resilience
Career Resilience
20. Twenty Questions with Jann - Personal Branding & Owning it

‘For your own personal brand, always stay true to your values’

Kinga Dolecka, Brand Strategist, asks Jann a series of questions to get to the heart of Jann’s personal brand. It is also a discussion of living in a day and age where we are somewhere on the internet. Whether, business connection or potential date, we (our personal brand) are out there to be searched. In her business, Kinga assists individuals and companies in identifying their brand and showing up as their authentic selves for their clients or customers. Kinga is also candid about her personal challenges in leaving a prestigious corporate job to strike out on her own.

For more information on the guest Kinga Dolecka please go to: – &

Resources mentioned on the podcast: Dare to Lead, Brene Brown, Room to Grow, Emily Gough, Tim Ferriss, The Time Ferriss Show, Mark Gross, Create the Love, Plaid Information,

More on Ford Keast LLP can be found here & for all the podcast information, visit our career resilience page.

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Career Resilience.

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