Career Resilience
Career Resilience
16. Salomé Azevedo - Biomedical Engineer & PhD Student

‘When you have goals, it’s easy to be resilient because you know the outcome you want to achieve.’ Salome Azevedo is a PhD Student & Head of Digital Health, Value for Health CoLAB based in Lisbon, Portugal.

Salomé Azevedo is a Portuguese BioMedical Engineer who works in the English language and lives most of her personal life in Portuguese. Her home base is Lisbon, Portugal. Salomé’s work has a global impact as she and her team seek to find innovative ways to link technology and healthcare. Her mandate is to accelerate knowledge transfer between academia and industry. Salomé discusses the challenges of working in two worlds where each has differing indicators of success and must collaborate for the greater good. At the same time, Salomé is a PhD student with a realistic view of the challenges related to that choice. As she says, (in a good way!), “think twice” before going for a PhD.

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Career Resilience.

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